My First Experience with an Archetypal Consultant

Merhawi Fissehaye
2 min readOct 22, 2020


I was always fascinated by the idea of peoples’ characters and thoughts including myself. I was experimenting with different ways to understand how my mind works, the patterns that appear most frequently in my every day life. I was in a way trying to find what is hidden from day to day perception. I read a lot of books driven by the need to have a true understanding of life, both external and internal phenomena. In time, most of my attention had started shifting towards the inside world.

I stumbled upon a TV programme, an interview. The guest was talking about archetypes. I heard a few words and I was fascinated by the material she was discussing. I had heard the name Carl Jung several times and I had also heard about archetypes but I have never cared to go deeper than that. The way she was explaining archetypes rhymed with something fundamental in my psyche.

I wrote an email to her and we started talking. To be honest, I didn’t have much expectation whether a consultation could help me much in any way. I was just expressing my appreciation to someone I admired. However, after two or three sessions, we started exploring very sensitive issues in my life and I started opening up more. Although I consider myself an open person who is willing to discuss any personal matter, most of what came up in those discussions were new for myself too. I started going back into childhood and bringing repressed memories. I also grew in the wisdom of acknowledging emotions and thoughts. With every session, there was definitely a new lesson and skill I didn’t understand before along with a sense of relief for some dissolved patterns.

In less than two months time, my relationship with my girl friend was turning for the better. That was part of my life where I struggled the most to make terms with. I never understood much of the reasons behind why it couldn’t get stable. Every quarrel, every week was new and overwhelming. By the time I met Almaz, I was already desperate and frustrated with the idea of romantic relationship itself. The consulting opened up a new possibility and hope for me.

I look forward to find out how life turns with more practice because knowing the patterns of your life isn’t some kind of hard mundane work but an exciting and extremely rewarding experience. The only tools it requires is your awareness and willingness to accommodate what you could discover in the intricate wonderland of memory and emotions.

It’s always good to develop self awareness and practice with your thoughts and emotions but it’s much better to have someone like Almaz guide you through this strange world at least once in your lifetime.



Merhawi Fissehaye

አሳቢና ጸሓፊ ነኝ። በተለይም ኃሳብ ከሰዎች ጋር ባለው ትስስርና እንዴት ከእውነታ ጋር መገናኘት እንደሚችል መመራመር እወዳለሁ። በጽሑፎቼም እነዚህን ግኝቶቼን አሰፍራለሁ።